High-quality legal advice and representation inevitably requires exclusivity, so that the law firm currently only handles mandates from the sub-areas
are accepted, the qualified processing of which can be guaranteed at a high level, even in the case of complex issues.
Eine qualifizierte Beratungsleistung ist für die Lexuris Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH Kehl genauso selbstverständlich
wie die kompetente Vertretung Ihrer Interessen vor der Arbeitsgerichtsbarkeit.
Rechtsanwalt Nitzsche ist seit seiner Zulassung verstärkt im Verkehrsrecht, so insbesondere bei der Regulierung von Verkehrsunfällen mit oder ohne Auslandsbezug sowie in straßenverkehrsstrafrechtlichen Angelegenheitenfügen
Ein Schwerpunkt der Kanzlei Lexuris Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH Kehl stellt die Bearbeitung grenzüberschreitender Angelegenheiten aus dem Verkehrsrecht, so insbesondere die Regulierung von Personen- und Sachschäden nach einem Verkehrsunfall in Europa dar.
We support both small and medium-sized companies with labor law issues, pending business decisions in connection with restructuring measures, company changes or legal issues related to French labor law, as well as German and French employees with general labor law issues, difficulties at work or after termination of the employment contract employment relationship.
We focus on representing and advising forwarding companies, for which all of the aforementioned legal areas are of outstanding importance.
As part of the processing of damage claims after a traffic accident in Germany or other European countries, we represent the interests of domestic and foreign motor vehicle insurers, as well as those of the injured party, whereby we rely on automated and optimized work processes in order to achieve settlement as quickly as possible.
Thanks to our English and French-speaking employees, we are able to communicate with those involved in many European countries and to make inquiries or arrange for organizational measures to be taken after an accident.
For complex issues, we have an extensive network of renowned experts and colleagues in Germany and other European countries at our disposal.
Many years of experience in representing the Deutsches Büro Grüne Karte eV in thousands of proceedings, and therefore in the processing of legal cases relating to European traffic law, in particular to France, guarantee reliable and proper processing of your request, especially in the case of legal disputes with cross-border connections.
Constant further training and further education that goes far beyond the legal minimum for specialist lawyers, not only in Germany but also in other European countries, are a prerequisite for this and a matter of course for us.
It is not for nothing that lawyer Nitzsche is one of the trusted lawyers of the ACE Auto Club Europa eV and is a consultant lawyer for the AFAL Association des Frontaliers d'Alsace et de Lorraine.
If you need representation in other areas of law or if the law firm cannot do this for other reasons, we will be happy to put you in touch with suitable colleagues from our extensive network at home and abroad who make the same demands on themselves as we do.
After a dismissal under labor law, you should contact us as soon as possible due to ongoing deadlines, in particular the mandatory and only three-week period for legal action against unfair dismissal pursuant to § 4 KSchG, so that we can give you an appointment as soon as possible.
Even after an accident, it makes sense to contact us as soon as possible to avoid legal disadvantages.
Further information on our working methods and the employees working in the law firm can be obtained via the above menu navigation under the heading Attorneys / Employees or the individual legal areas mentioned there.
You can contact us in the foreign languages English, French, Turkish and Arabic.
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"Man muss das Unmögliche versuchen, um das Mögliche zu erreichen." (Hermann Hesse)
"Der Preis des Erfolges ist Hingabe, harte Arbeit und unablässiger Einsatz für das, was man erreichen will."
(Frank Lloyd Wright)
"Fange nie an aufzuhören und höre nie auf anzufangen." (Marcus Tullius Cicero)
"Ich verliere nie, entweder ich gewinne oder ich lerne." (Nelson Mandela)
„Bedeutende Leistungen werden nur von bedeutenden Menschen erzielt;
und bedeutend ist jemand nur dann, wenn er fest entschlossen ist, es zu sein.“
(Charles de Gaulle - Französischer General und Präsident)
"Wer nicht genau weiß, wohin er will, braucht sich nicht zu wundern, wenn er ganz woanders ankommt."
(Robert F. Mager)
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