Since his admission, Attorney Nitzsche has been increasingly involved in traffic law, in particular in the settlement of traffic accidents with or without a foreign connection and in road traffic criminal law matters, and thus has many years of professional experience in these areas.
Consequently, the law firm in Kehl near the border is a competent contact for you after an accident in order to assert your material and immaterial damages.
After an accident in France, Lexuris Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH Kehl will help you nationwide with the efficient enforcement of your claims with the help of the German courts, whereby attorney Nitzsche has many years of experience in the processing of traffic accidents as a nationwide representative for French, Belgian and Romanian liability and legal protection insurance companies with cross-border reference and was thus able to deepen his knowledge of foreign, especially French civil traffic law and French damage compensation law, so that he can help his client with the settlement of claims after an accident in other European countries, especially in France, both with the out-of-court settlement of claims, as well as can help quickly and competently with the judicial assertion of claims before German jurisdiction.
In most cases, the documents required to process the claim and the correspondence can be sent electronically, so that the client can also process the case without any problems.
After a claim, we will help you deal with the other party involved in the accident and their liability insurer in order to achieve comprehensive claims settlement, which is no longer a matter of course these days, and to fully enforce your claims for damages and, in the event of physical injury, compensation for pain and suffering.
Anyone who thinks they may be able to enforce their claims themselves should consider the judgment of the Frankfurt Higher Regional Court cited below:
"Even with simple traffic accident matters, the involvement of a lawyer is to be regarded as necessary from the outset. The increasingly unmanageable development of damage positions and case law on rental car costs, hourly rates, etc. makes it seem downright negligent to settle a claim without hiring a lawyer. “ (OLG Frankfurt aMv 01.12.2014, Az.: 22 U 171/13)
The knowledge of internal processes at the insurers as well as efficiently designed work processes using modern EDP-supported communication channels allow a quick out-of-court claims processing
In the context of investigation and/or criminal proceedings due to the suspicion of driving a motor vehicle under the influence of intoxicants (alcohol, drugs), unauthorized removal from the scene of the accident (hit and run or hit-and-run), negligent bodily harm or death in a serious traffic accident with injuries or We are at your side competently and with many years of experience in order to achieve the best result not only with regard to the impending punishment, but also with regard to the measure that is usually discussed (and, according to the will of the legislator, perhaps also soon as an ancillary punishment coming) of the driving ban or withdrawal of the driving license.
If fine proceedings are pending against you, we try to dispel, mitigate or question the allegation, usually in close cooperation with renowned expert offices for traffic measurement / accident reconstruction. If the accusation ultimately turns out to be unassailable, knowledge of the relevant case law can be used to try to at least mitigate the consequences.
This applies in particular in the event that a driving ban is imminent, which can be waived in some cases if the defense is successful.
In the area of traffic administration law, we advise you comprehensively and comprehensively on questions of driving license suspension, recognition and revocation of foreign driver's licenses in Germany, the MPU (popularly known as the idiot test) and re-issuance of the driver's license.
In-depth knowledge of the requirements for successfully passing the psychological exploration interview can, if desired, be used to prepare for the psychological part of the MPU, which can significantly increase the chances of a successful assessment.
If necessary, you can also reach us after an accident abroad outside of office hours at or, in an emergency, until late in the evening on the mobile phone number:
0175 - 770 220 7 or 49 (0) 175 - 770 220 7
Please only use this number in an emergency and leave one
Request a call back, stating your own telephone number.
"Man muss das Unmögliche versuchen, um das Mögliche zu erreichen." (Hermann Hesse)
"Der Preis des Erfolges ist Hingabe, harte Arbeit und unablässiger Einsatz für das, was man erreichen will."
(Frank Lloyd Wright)
"Fange nie an aufzuhören und höre nie auf anzufangen." (Marcus Tullius Cicero)
"Ich verliere nie, entweder ich gewinne oder ich lerne." (Nelson Mandela)
„Bedeutende Leistungen werden nur von bedeutenden Menschen erzielt;
und bedeutend ist jemand nur dann, wenn er fest entschlossen ist, es zu sein.“
(Charles de Gaulle - Französischer General und Präsident)
"Wer nicht genau weiß, wohin er will, braucht sich nicht zu wundern, wenn er ganz woanders ankommt."
(Robert F. Mager)
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